Thursday, October 27, 2011

Did you have your eyes checked lately?

According to studies, millions of Americans are already affected by some sort of visual impairment and more will develop the same problems if nothing will be done. Some of the most common vision problems are astigmatism, far sightedness, near sightedness, and even blindness.

What are the causes? If your family has history of any vision impairment, you are most likely to have it too. Illnesses like diabetes may also cause eye problems if not treated right away.

How can you avoid eye problems? The best way to avoid problems in your eye sight is to have a check up. There are many eye centers you can go to for a consultation. So, spare your eyes from any problems and go to your local eye doctor in Concord and North Charlotte to see if you have any signs of visual impairment and if you need eye wear to avoid further damage.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Have Young-looking Eyes with Blepharoplasty

Aging can change a lot in a person's appearance. One of the most obvious sign of aging is sagging skin and the most noticeable is the skin around the eyes.

The eyes are the first that get affected by aging since lines and puffness develop earlier in this area. This is why a lot of people are considering Blepharoplasty to address this issue.

What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure done on the eyes wherein fatty deposits around the eyes are removed. The incisions of this procedure are made on the natural folds of the eyes so as not to make scars too obvious. Although this procedure is usually done for cosmetic purposes, Blepharoplasty is also done on patients whose excess skin prohibits them from seeing properly.

Is it safe and how are the results?

This procedure is one of the simplest and safest in cosmetic surgery. All you need to do is to find a local eye doctor in Concord and North Carolina who offers this procedure. No immediate results will be seen after the surgery. However, once the swelling goes away, you will notice that the skin around your eyes is tighter and you will definitely look younger.

What are you waiting for? Consult with a doctor and get those younger looking eyes!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Having problems with your vision?

The eyesight deteriorates as a person gets older. More often than not, people resort to wearing eye glasses or contact lenses to address the problem of poor eyesight. However, eye glasses and contact lenses can sometimes be a hassle. They can break, you can lose them, lenses can dry out, and buying new ones over and over can be costly. If this is bothering you, then maybe going for a laser eye surgery can do the trick for you.

Deciding to get laser eye correction is a decision you will not regret. It will not only improve your vision, but it will also spare you from the hassle of eye wear. It will also address eye complications like astigmatism and near-sightedness. If you are worried about the procedure, there is nothing to be anxious about. All you need to do is to find an expert local eye doctor in Concord and North Carolina who can do the procedure for you. These doctors are professionals in this field, which is why you are in good hands. Recovery won't be so bad too since it will only take a couple of days to a week.

Poor eyesight is no longer a problem that can be solved by eye wear. With the technology eye doctors now have, it is very easy to fix such a problem. So consult with a doctor now and see what he/she can do for you!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Better Vision After LASIK Eye Surgery

How does LASIK Eye Surgery lead to a better vision?

If you are suffering from poor eyesight and have to use corrective glasses and contact lenses to help you see better, this is for you. However, if you have thin corneas, dry, itchy eyes, this type of procedure is not for you.

Consultations and pre-operative evaluation need to be conducted by a skilled and experienced eye surgeon in the Concord and North Charlotte area to determine if you are a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery. The procedures, including the possible complications and side effects will be fully explained to you, as well as the post-operative care.

LASIK eye surgery is recommended for persons with refractive vision impairments including myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.  The procedure is done at the Cabarrus Eye Center with the aid of the most modern state-of-the-art equipment by an expert and experienced eye surgeon. The procedure involves cutting a thin flap above the cornea and using an excimer laser, some tissues that cause the eye problems are removed from the cornea. The flap is then replaced into its original position. 

In cases of poor refraction, LASIK surgery reconfigures or reshapes the cornea to change the focal points of the eye thus giving a better focus to the retina for better vision. Recovery from LASIK eye surgery is nearly painless, and produces excellent vision recovery.  

Having a poor eyesight does not mean that you have to live your life dependent on your eyeglasses that most probably is always missing when you need it most.  LASIK eye surgery is readily available in the areas of Concord and North Charlotte and the most reliable and skilled eye surgeons are ready to welcome you with their expert advice and the best available services.  Enjoy the rest of your life with freedom from eyeglasses and contact lenses, and see the world better after a LASIK eye surgery.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A New Vision Through Cataract Eye Surgery in Concord and North Charlotte

Are you one of the millions of people who are suffering from blurred vision, because of cataract? Are you frightened because you feel that you are slowly going blind? Don’t give up hope! If you are living in the area of Concord and North Charlotte, there is a special procedure that can help you to regain a clearer and brighter vision for a clearer and brighter tomorrow.

Understanding The Cause
Behind the colored part of the eyes (iris) are the lens that focus the light so you can see images clearly. A cataract forms in these lens, so that the light is blocked, and what you see are blurred images.  Cataracts maybe caused naturally by aging. As we age, the protein and water that make up the lens may start to bunch up thereby clouding the lens. Other causes include smoking, long-term exposure to sunlight, diabetes or family history.

Improving Your Vision
The most effective treatment for cataract is eye surgery. Cataract eye surgery is one of the safest and is the most frequently performed eye surgery. With a skilled eye surgeon from Cabarrus Eye Center the procedure may take from ten to twenty minutes depending on the severity of the case. The most modern technology aids the skilled eye surgeon to make a microscopic incision in the eye to remove the cataract by ultrasonic technology. Then, an implant, which is made of a clear plastic lens is put in place that provides the patient with a new and clear vision.

You should choose a reliable and trustworthy eye center with a team of skilled and reliable eye surgeons who has helped a lot of patients to recover their vision. Be one of the patients who have undergone a cataract eye surgery under the experienced hands of one of the more experienced eye surgeon in Concord and North Charlotte and enjoy a brighter vision today and tomorrow.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fighting Off Aging with Restylane Injection

The signs of aging is something a lot of people are always looking out for. When these signs do show up, anti-aging creams or revitalizing moisturizers may not always be enough to fight them off.

More often than not, most people think that surgery is the only option when addressing aging. However, it is important to know that there are alternatives. If you ask specialized clinics like Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord and North Charlotte, they may refer you to a procedure called Restylane Injection. This injection is made of a gel that consists of hyaluronic acid, which is found in the human body. The procedure usually only takes thirty minutes to an hour and the results are instant. However, unlike surgery, the effects of Restylane injection last for about six months to a year. Then again, if you are looking for an anti-aging solution that will not force you to go under the knife, but still give a natural and crease-free look, then this could be the best option.

This procedure is used around the eyes, the forehead, the lips, chin, and cheeks. It will not totally free you of wrinkles, but it will give of a smoother and more revitalized look.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Be safe; banish signs of aging with a non-invasive Sculptra injectable

Sculptra is an injectable dermal filler this is now known as a quick and effective (not to mention affordable) solution to erase facial lines, folds and wrinkles. It is a synthetic biocompatible poly-L-lactic acid proven to stimulate the production of collagen giving you a naturally youthful look even if you're past middle age. When used to plump up your face, the effect is noticeable the instant it is injected into the skin.

Choosing Sculptra to minimize the appearance of facial wrinkles and unwanted lines might just be the key to your quest for that "fountain of youth." Unlike cosmetic surgeries that need a long period of recovery and a substantial chip off your budget (not to mention the pain you have to endure), Sculptra injections are more convenient --- no pain, affordable for most people and above all you can instantly see the effects in a matter of minutes after the procedure.

This is one of the safest cosmetic procedures that helps control the signs of aging. Its effects can last for more or less two years depending on your physical conditions. Cosmetic doctors from the Cabarrus Eye Center can recommend the frequency of injecting the dermal filler after a thorough examination.

Once you decide that you need a boost to your look and vivacity, it won't hurt to go and seek the help of reliable cosmetic doctors who can guide you in your quest for the best procedure that will give you back your youthful look.

Is there a difference between Restylane and Sculptra?

The products that most middle aged and mature people are raving about are dermal filler procedures that are proven to be very effective as well as safe. The price also contributes much to the popularity of the non-surgical, non-invasive procedures aimed at removing facial wrinkles and folds almost instantly after the injection.

Although some people believe that choosing one over the other is just a matter of choice,  professional practitioners have always believed that there is a great deal of difference between these two products. Even if they were both formulated to banish signs of maturity and both consist of biodegradable and biocompatible synthetic substances, Restylane and Sculptra are not created equal. One one dermal filler is more likely to be better than the other.

Restylane is composed of stabilized hyaluronic acid that is free from animal proteins. This kind of dermal filler oftentimes have a short duration of effect but it is also much more affordable than other products available in the market. On the other hand, Sculptra is basically Poly-L-lactic acid which stimulates natural collagen production thus you get a more natural looking restored youthful skin. This is also the reason why patients who choose Sculptra injections have more natural looking facial skin as well as longer period of enjoying them.

If you are interested in any of these two products, it is best to consult your experts on dermal fillers at the Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord and North Charlotte 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Get the right eye doctor

Maintaining a healthy vision is one of the most important facet of healthy living that everyone must give attention to. More often than not, some people tend to 'forget' the care of their eyes and will only visit an eye doctor if the symptom is something that bothers their daily activities. Maintaining a good eyesight must be a top priority since most eye problems starts gradually without you knowing it and once it worsen, reversal might just be impossible. Getting back your eyesight after a worsen condition is almost next to impossible.

The key to maintaining a good eyesight is going to the right eye doctor. Consulting the eye doctor who is trained to treat your particular problem will ensure that you will get the best medical attention. Minor eye problems like weakening vision can easily be resolved by an optometrist who is trained to examine and diagnose eye conditions. These eye doctors can basically treat and manage most eye conditions except those that need surgical procedure.

When diagnosed with an eye condition that needs surgery like    cataract, you must go to an ophthalmologist. The eye doctor licensed to perform surgical procedures on any eye condition. The ophthalmologist can provide patients with all the medical eye care from treatment to prevention of any condition related to your vision and eyes.

Both the optometrist and ophthalmologist can diagnose and prescribe you with corrective lenses but it is the job of the optician to fit you with the correct lenses or ocular prosthetic.

Knowing the right eye doctor to seek help from is the first step to maintaining your healthy eyesight. You can visit the eye specialist from the Cabarrus Eye Center for any eye problem.      

Let our reliable cataract eye surgeon help you

A vision-impaired individual will find it hard to fully function in a society where the sense of sight is a basis for most activities. Although coping might somehow alleviate the situation but it will never be the same as having a fully functioning eyesight.

Once you are diagnosed with an eye cataract, your best option is to get the best advice from your eye surgeon. Knowing your condition and understanding the options will help you make the best choice.

You can visit the eye surgeons from the Cabarrus Eye Center, if you live near the Concord and north Charlotte are, will be happy to walk you through the most effective and highly recommended cataract buster --- the cataract surgery. 

The cataract eye doctor will tell you that the quick and safe way to restore your eyesight inflected with cataract is definitely cataract surgery. It is the only proven medical treatment that can restore your eyesight. Prolonging your decision to have one might arise to complications that might even make treatment more difficult.

Cataract surgery is a simple surgical procedure that can be accomplished in less than an hour. The eye doctor will make a small incision in the eye to remove the cataract growth then place a lens implant that will help restore the patient's eyesight. Patients usually observe improvement right after the surgery.

Contact your Concord and north Charlotte eye surgeons for any eye problems particularly that which seems like a cataract symptom.  

Friday, September 9, 2011

Age Mark Down, Beauty Mark Up

Amazing! This is what others have said about two popular non-surgical procedures, Sculptra Aesthetic and Restylane. Even more amazing is that here in Concord, North Charlotte and surrounding areas you can get $100 off on your second treatment with any of these two FDA-approved injectable skin fillers at Cabarrus Eye Center for problems like age-related facial wrinkles, lines and folds

Dr. Gary T. Raflo,  a trusted surgeon for refractive as well as eyelid reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery at Cabarrus Eye Center, is also an expert in cosmetic procedures that restore younger looking beauty without performing surgery. With either Restylane or Sculptra Aesthetic, Dr. Raflo can give you excellent results that last four to six times longer than other non-surgical solutions to facial skin aging.

Do you want natural-looking transformation with a longer lasting effect? Sculptra  provides gradual collagen replacement in four sessions with an interval of three weeks. You get wrinkle-free beauty for up to 25 months or two years. 

For youthful looks right after treatment, you can have Restylane which offer excellent results that last up to 18 months. It smooths your skin to diminish wrinkles and aging lines of the face especially nose to mouth lines, sad mouth corners, crow's feet or frown lines.

No need to worry about long recovery time or regret that you cannot afford the price of plastic surgery. Consult Dr. Gary T. Raflo M.D. FACs at Cabarrus Eye Center about Restylane or Sculptra Aesthetics and get the beauty restoration treatment you have wanted in the recent years. 

Restylane and Sculptra: Taking Years Off Your Age

Cabarrus Eye Center does not only take several years off your age with non-invasive cosmetic procedures but also $100 off your second Sculptra or Restylane treatment. With an offer like this, you can stop worrying about the cost or risk of surgery and start reclaiming your younger-looking beauty

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Reclaim your wrinkle-free skin with Restylane and Sculptra

Non-surgical procedures has become a popular and favorite alternative in reclaiming one's facial youthful look. Aside from the promise of painless procedure, patients are also happy with the thought that they don’t need a fortune to enjoy youthful appearance.

Both of these procedure involves injection of solution to a patient's wrinkled face to banish the folds and wrinkles on the face. Although they are both injectable solutions that basically solve the same problem, Restylane and Sculptra work differently. The former gives you an almost instant result while the later will take time since the injection will give you gradual replacement of lost collagen so the transformation is very subtle.

The popularity of both non-surgical procedures largely depend on the fact that they are not invasive, the patients who have undergone the medical procedure do not have to worry about scarring and pigment change. The recovery is virtually nil and the result is almost visible right after the treatment. To top it all, one does not have to spend a fortune to have any of these procedure.

You can easily talk to anyone from the Cabarrus Eye Center about the benefits of non surgical solution to aging facial skin. They are licensed to administer both Restylane and Sculptra to people needing these longer lasting answers to the problem of wrinkles and sagging facial skins.

Is eyelid surgery safe for you?

Eyelid surgery, medically known as blepharoplasty, involves the removal of excess skin and tissues including fats in the eye area. The procedure strengthens the muscles and tissues around the eyes thereby stretching the skin; erasing the wrinkles.

The result is a new and younger looking appearance that will brighten the entire face. The improvement in the overall appearance of the face and the restored look of youthfulness and vitality create a new look that boosts the patient's self-esteem.

An eyelid surgery can be easily performed by a Concord and north Charlotte eye surgeon in a clinic since it is an out-patient procedure. The recovery period is very fast and most often painless. It is one of the safest and risk-free medical eye procedures that do not only aims for youthful restoration  of a patient's face but also has functionality like restoring peripheral vision.

The dramatic results that patients get after an eyelid surgery surpasses the risks and pains they have to endure while going through the procedure. While most people are eligible to undergo an eyelid surgery, there are also instances that blepharoplasty is not the answer. But this does not mean that the patient will have to endure the consequences of puffy , droopy eyes. There are non-surgical procedures that may solve your particular problem.

To be on the safe side before you decide that you want a blepharoplasty, consult a reliable Concord and north Charlotte eye surgeon. They will have the appropriate solution for you. Don’t waste your time, you have to act now.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Go to the right eye doctor for your child in Concord, Cabarrus County

A child's vision is one of the things that a parent must seriously look into. There are certain eye defects that are already present in a child although undetected. There are also instances where eye problem like Strabismus or crossed eyes are genetically inherited. They may appear early on in life but there are also times when they became apparent when it has already developed into a serious ailment.

To take care of your child's well-being particularly in terms of healthy vision,  you must make sure to have your child     examined by the right practitioner if you are aware that youhave a history of eye defects and ailments in your family.Going to any eye doctor will help your child but choosing the right medical practitioner will gain you better results.

A pediatric eye doctor knows how to deal with your child not Only in relation to his eye complaints but also with regards tohow a child will react to a person wearing the white jacket. A pediatric ophthalmologist is well trained in dealing with your child's emotional reaction to the tests that would usually accompany a visit to the eye doctor.

If you are anywhere near the Concord and north Charlotte     areas, setting up an appointment with the Cabarrus Eye Center will guarantee you peace of mind because you know that your child's health is in the hands of a competent pediatric eye doctor.       

Top 2 reasons to get an eyelid surgery

One very common place where the first indication of age appears is on that area around your eyes. The lines will appear first than followed by the wrinkled skin. If you are the type who is overly stressed-out with work and your lifestyle, it wont come as a surprise if puffiness and drooping eye bags make their mark on your face.

This might not be a life threatening situation but as it indicates abnormality, it is best to find an excellent solution that will be effective in eradicating them forever. One guaranteed method is the eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty.

The eyelid surgery procedure involves the removal of excess skin and facial fat around the eyelid and surrounding area. In doing so, the muscles are strengthen and reinforced thereby stretching  the skin around the eye area. It gives the patient that younger and more refreshed look.

Blepharoplasty is basically performed on a patient for two reasons: for cosmetic purposes and for functionality. The procedure for both operations are similar; the theory behind is the same except that the end results are definitely different.

If you think eyelid surgery is the answer to your problem, talking to a reliable eye surgeon will help you understand everything about it. You can also take the opportunity to ask any questions that might have been bothering you. You must visit your eye specialist right away. You can go see the efficient staff of Cabarrus Eye Center, they will be happy to see you.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Maintain your eye's youthful look with restylane injections

Anybody who wants to banish those ugly wrinkles and lines off their faces will be happy to know that they can do it without risking much. Going through any surgical knife is not such a very pleasing idea. Cosmetic eye surgeons in the Concord and north Charlotte areas can now help you maintain a youthful look with just a couple of non-surgical procedures.

The process involved injectable fillers used on patients being treated for unwanted wrinkles and lines along the eye area. Reliable and efficient cosmetic eye surgeons inject a formulation composed of natural acids around the patient's eyes and this will form as fillers into the spaces around the eyes stretching the skin and thus banishing the wrinkles and disturbing lines on the patient's face.

Restylane injections are proven to be very safe and effective to help you maintain that youthful look. Although it is safe and will work for everyone, the effect will largely depend on the patient's skin type. Professional cosmetic eye surgeon will be able to determine the right procedure that will work and be effective for you.  

To get to know how effective this procedure will be for you, there is a need to go and seek the advice of reliable cosmetic eye surgeons in your area. You can get all the information you need to understand and decide if you would go on and get yourself a restylane injection. Set that appointment now and visit your Concord and north Charlotte cosmetic eye surgeons at Cabarrus Eye Center.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Contact the best LASIK eye surgery doctor in Concord and north Charlotte

People with vision problems are opting for LASIK eye surgery now. This is after people realize the benefits of the medical procedure and the relief it will give them not to mention the freedom to do some of the activities that they have forgone because of weakening vision. LASIK eye surgery has become the leading solution to most people’s problem with their vision.

LASIK eye surgery is the answer to your impaired vision. This is quite an ideal solution for people who have a fast paced lifestyle. Worries about maintenance of either eyeglasses or contacts are totally eradicated because the eyes' functionality is restored to 20/20 vision after the LASIK eye surgery.

Although this is a minor medical procedure, in fact, the laser eye doctor can easily perform it in just thirty minutes, it still has some small risks involve. But the few risks that it has an easily be resolved by a competent LASIK eye surgeon in Concord and north Charlotte area. And if you follow the doctor's order to the letter, in no time you will be rewarded with a relatively restored vision of 20/20 for the rest of your life.

So why suffer the discomfort of an itchy eye due to some contact lenses issues or go on with your life carrying the heavy burden of wearing glasses? Go and see someone from the best eye center in Concord and north Charlotte area.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

LASIK eye surgery: most convenient way to see the world clearly

Slowly deteriorating vision because of age is natural; it is a fact of life but it is something that can be repaired and improved if not totally restored to its former glory.  It is also a reality that there are people who are either near-sighted or far-sighted; or someone who has astigmatism. These are normal vision impairment problems that can easily be corrected by different means depending on what the patient wants and can afford.

Recent in the corrective vision medical practice is the use of LASIK eye surgery which is claimed to be more efficient than the conventional ones. When performed by a highly trained ophthalmologist, a LASIK eye surgery procedure looks so easy that you would not even think of the risks involved. The use of the special laser helps make the job for the eye doctors easier and faster.

The reshaping of the cornea to get a semblance of normality without damaging the surrounding eye tissue is the strong points for this particular medical technology. And because less part of the eye is disturbed by the procedure, patients can recover faster and can go back to their normal lives sans the eyeglasses or the contact lenses.

A lot of people who have vision issues turn more and more to the LASIK technology for the answer. If you are interested in the procedure, it will not hurt to talk to your trusted Concord and North Charlotte eye doctor and see if this LASIK technology is right for you. 

Cataract surgery is no big deal in Concord and North Charlotte

Studies reveal that there are over twenty million Americans over the age of 40 afflicted with cataract eye disease. Although not a fatal affliction, it can cause a great deal of discomfort and restrictions on both the victim and his caregiver.

Cataracts cannot be cured by any medicine you take or any ophthalmic eye-drops or cream. The only remedy for it right now is a cataract eye surgery performed by a reliable Concord and North Charlotte eye surgeon. The progression of the impaired eye vision usually starts slowly but quickly progress if not given immediate attention.

Cataract eye surgery is a very minor operation that can be accomplished outside the hospital. It is so easy and very safe that the patient can be up and about a couple of hours after the procedure. He can also go home on the same day he was operated on and be able to function normally the next day.

Improved eyesight and clearer visions will be readily observed an hour or so after the surgery. Although the patient might sometimes need a prescription eyeglasses for different distance viewing, most patients regain and recover their sights up to 80-90%.

There are not many complications recorded once the patient follows all instructions and prescriptions given by the cataract eye surgeon. And in no time, he can read without any eyeglasses and can see better than before. 

You can always go and consult your trusted ophthalmologist in Corcord and North Charlotte so he can explain to you the best course of action. Then you can both decide when you can have the cataract eye surgery.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Why Eye Centers Matter in Concord, NC

Eye doctors want to help their patients get the most out of the good life in Concord, North Carolina. With so much to do in Concord, a clear vision is everybody's priority. Here are the reasons why eye centers matter in Concord.

Appreciating art, theater and people
You need good eyesight to truly appreciate the exhibits and artworks in Concord especially The Galleries located on the first floor of the 1876 courthouse. You must not also miss the details of the stage, the set, the costumes and the performers at the Davis Theatre which hosts outstanding live performances. Even a few hours of people watching at Concord Mills Mall is lots of fun if you can see clearly. Through a comprehensive examination, your ophthalmologist can diagnose and treat any vision problem. The best eye doctors are in Concord to determine if you need corrective lenses or a laser correction surgery.

Living out the motto through sports and outdoor recreation
Have a taste of “High Performance Living” in Concord, NC. The best eye center and eye doctors are here to help you live the motto. With specialized eye wear for sports and recreation you can enjoy sports and the great outdoor recreation in Concord, North Carolina where these are important parts of life.

The best Concord, North Carolina eye center wants to make sure you have healthy eyes and clear vision to enjoy the good life. Make an appointment with the top eye doctors in Concord to have your eyes evaluated. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Two Things You Should Know about Age-Defying and Eye-Saving Eyelid Surgery

Have you been complaining about your eyes? It seems that everyday the wrinkling, “bagging,” puffiness or tired look get even worse. Perhaps you have also wondered whether anything can be done for you. Cosmetic eye surgery, specifically eyelid surgery, can help reverse these effects so that you can look younger and more energetic again. Here are the basic things you should know about eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty and what it can do for you. 

1) What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty involves removing or moving excessive skin and fat from the eyelid thereby strengthening the muscles and supportive tissue. The procedure is done for cosmetic and functional purposes:

  • Cosmetic:  Blepharoplasty removes wrinkling, puffiness or the appearance or bags under the eyes which can make eyes appear heavy, tired and aged.  In some cases, this procedure is also done to create a crease in the upper eyelid for patients of Asian heritage.
  • Functional: Blepharoplasty can also correct problems with peripheral vision caused by excessive skin on the upper eyelids.  Eyelid surgery improves the peripheral vision which is very important when driving and reading.

2) Where can you have blepharoplasty?

You can rely on the experience and expertise of the best eye doctors in Concord and north Charlotte, NC.  An initial appointment is made to review your medical history, conduct a thorough examination, take photographs of your eyes and discuss the procedure and outcomes. If you and the doctor decide you could benefit from blepharoplasty, your eye surgeon will explain the process and procedures in more detail. If it is not recommended, there are other options you may consider.

Visit the best eye surgeons in Concord and north Charlotte, NC to know more about blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

View the World in High-Definition with LASIK eye surgery in Concord

Are you tired of complaining that you can't see properly?

Do you feel that you miss a lot because your vision is limited?

If you feel the need for a more permanent and safe solution for your vision problems, and you can't just settle for glasses or contact lenses. Then there is a newer and safer approach, something that will not affect the surrounding tissues but will work on the problem directly. And this procedure is called, LASIK eye surgery.

LASIK eye surgery, which means Laser Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, is an innovative refractive surgery that is aimed to reshape the cornea. A flap is made in place first into the cornea (using a precise oscillating blade or laser) and folded up. After that, an excimer laser is used to remove a portion of the cornea. This procedure is relatively safe and has been proven to result in little or no adverse-effects and has a short recovery time. For some people, they can experience clear and improved vision immediately.

When done by skilled and experienced eye specialists, such as those working at Cabarrus Eye Center, there is no damage to the surrounding tissues. They will also make sure that you will receive the best treatment possible during the entire procedure.

But before that, your Concord and North Charlotte eye specialist will be the one to determine whether you are viable for LASIK eye surgery or not. The procedure may be a great option for vision problems, but you may not be right for it. An assessment and other examination needs to be conducted first.

If everything is right and you are viable for LASIK, then you might need to ask your Concord eye specialist about this. With the help of LASIK eye surgery, you can now view the world in high-definition quality and clarity. Contact Cabarrus Eye Center, your primary eye care center in Concord and North Charlotte today, 704-782-1127.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blepharoplasty- Eyelid Surgery Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus Eye Center Expert

Your eyes are an expressive feature - one that people notice first - and your eyelids are part of that feature. The eyes are also the first of our features to show signs of age. As we grow older, our skin ages and loses its elasticity.  Loss of elasticity and gravity causes excess skin to raise the level of upper and lower eyelids. These actions sometimes cause wrinkles and bumps on the eyelids. The extra fold of skin is develop hanging over the eyelashes and it causes blurry of vision.

What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure that removes excess folds of skin in the upper lids and pouches under the eyes. Whether to improve your appearance, your vision, or both, reconstructive surgery usually produces a very pleasing effect and gives you a more rested, youthful look. Your Concord and north Charlotte, North Carolina Cabarrus Eye Center has many specialists that perform this kind of surgery.

What is involved in the surgical procedure?

Blepharoplasty usually is performed in an outpatient facility under local anesthesia in a matter of one or two hours. If local anesthesia is used, you will be well sedated but partially awake during the surgery. You may be able to tell that the surgeon is working on your eyes, but you will not feel any pain.

How do I find a surgeon who does Blepharoplasty?

Choosing the right plastic surgeon to perform your blepharoplasty surgery is one of the most important decisions you will make. Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus Eye Specialists has many doctors that perform eye surgery which includes Blepharoplasty. Consult a Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus Eye specialist today and determine if Blepharoplasty is a good option for you.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Have Your Safe LASIK Eye Surgery on Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus Eye Center

LASIK eye surgery is a commonly performed corrective eye surgery with a high success rate and high levels of patient satisfactions. LASIK can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. 

LASIK stands for laser in situ keratomileusis, which means using a laser underneath a corneal flap to reshape the cornea. This procedure uses excimer laser designed to treat refractive errors, improve vision, and reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. This procedure changes the shape of the cornea, which is the transparent front covering of the eye. During LASIK procedure, a specially trained eye surgeon first creates a precise, thin hinged corneal flap. The surgeon then pulls back the flap to expose the underlying corneal tissue, and then the excimer laser reshapes the cornea in a unique pattern for each patient. 

The first step to determining if LASIK surgery is right for you is to make an appointment with an experienced, board certified ophthalmologist who specializes in corrective laser procedures. During the first appointment, the ophthalmologist will take a full medical history and examine your eyes. The Cabarrus Eye Center doctors, can also explain the procedure in more detail and discuss the results, advantages and any possible risks with you. If LASIK is not the best procedure for you, there may be other options. In any case, you can rely on the doctors and staffs at Concord, North Carolina, Cabarrus Eye Center to give you the attention, time and information you need to make the best decision about your eye care. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Enjoy Life After Cataract Removal with Concord, North Carolina Eye Center

Cataracts slow down the quality of your life without any idea how it starts just because it develops slowly. There are some signs of cataracts. Some of them are blurring of your vision, or gradually worsening vision and changing the color that you see. An example of this is you are seeing color yellow as color brown and mostly the other colors are faded for you. The worst of this is when you have notice that your ability to see during night time has decreased.

A cataract is actually a clump of protein that forms on the lens of the eye. It is normal that proteins are occurring in the composition of lens, but when they have clump together, patients begin to experienced problem on their vision. Cataract isn’t a big problem because it can always be removed by surgery. Concord, North Carolina’s best eye specialists can examine your eyes carefully and make the best method for you if you have developed cataracts.

Cataracts is always normal and it always occur when our age increases and this is inevitable. There are also other possibilities for a person to have a cataract aside from aging. One of this is when you are exposed to sunlight for a long time. Also for patients who have a past eye injury and for the person who is diabetic. If you believe you are at risk for developing cataracts, contact a Concord, North Carolina Eye specialist to make an appointment to discuss your risk factors and current condition.

Friday, July 15, 2011

High Performance Living in Concord, North Carolina After Cataract Removal

Cataract removal surgery is safe and effective in enhancing the quality of vision for those who have cataracts. Concord, North Carolina residents have become reconnected with the beauty of their city, home and family after undergoing cataract removal surgery conducted by Concord eye specialists. For people who take pride in their "high performance living," cataracts can really curb their lives. Concord, North Carolina eye doctors can bring back your vision with safe and effective cataract eye surgery.

Enjoying the rich colors and details of art work is difficult if one's vision is impaired by cataracts. Cataracts can affect the way you see a variety of colors and make it difficult for you to discern details. Some people with cataracts even complain of seeing brown or yellow hue in everything they see. Do not miss the beautiful colors and details of art. Ask a Concord, North Carolina eye specialist about cataract removal surgery.

You need a clear vision to appreciate wonderful productions at The Davis Theatre in downtown Concord. Do not let cataracts affect your experience at shows as well as movies. Cataracts are clumps of protein which form in the lens of the eye. Because they develop gradually, cataracts may not be noticed at first. Instead, the patient begins to notice problems with blurred vision and difficulty focusing on details. The patient may also complain of night vision problems or seeing in dark places such as theaters. A visit to your Concord, North Carolina eye doctor can have you enjoying the performances at the Davis Theatre or movie theatre once again.

Concord, North Carolina Eye Problem Solution for All Ages

Concord, North Carolina eye experts have improved prospects for the future by offering a wide range of services and vision products. Patients of all ages can see more clearly after a visit to Concord, North Carolina eye centers

Concord, North Carolina eye specialists are board certified and experts in their field. With years of experience, they can treat any eye problem. Treatments for glaucoma, retinal disorders, pediatric eye disorders, and cosmetic improvements are all part of the services offered by the Concord, North Carolina eye centers. Are you ready to give up your glasses and contact lenses? Ask these expert doctors about laser and Laski vision correction procedures which are very popular among their patients. Yes, even cosmetic treatments are available to improve the look of the eyes and surrounding tissue.

Concord, North Carolina eye centers make eye care a one-stop appointment. With a boutique of eye-wear and contact lens options on site, you can go straight from the eye doctors’ office to finding the perfect frames to suit your appearance and personality. From small children being evaluated for possible pediatric vision problems to senior citizens wanting to restore their vision, Concord, North Carolina eye doctors take the time to evaluate and treat each patient and his or her needs.  Dedicated eye doctors want their patients to experience better vision and an improved quality of life.  The best eye specialists in north Charlotte and Concord, North Carolina will take care  of the vision needs of your family.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Concord, North Carolina eye centers provide comprehensive vision care, services and products

What would total quality eye care in Concord, North Carolina involve?  First, the best vision care would be provided by eye doctors who were top in their field.  These eye specialists would be board certified and fellowship trained.  They would be recognized as outstanding in the field of eye care.  Second, the best eye centers would have comprehensive services for the entire family and top of the line products on-site.  Concord, North Carolina residents would return to these eye experts for all their vision needs and would recommend them to their friends. You don’t have to wonder what the best in eye care would be like, because total quality eye care is a reality in Concord, North Carolina.

Concord, North Carolina has the best eye doctors anywhere.  Quality eye specialists represent a variety of backgrounds but have certain things in common:  excellent education, board certification, fellowship training, years of experience, national recognition and a commitment to the residents of Concord, North Carolina. 
Eye Center
Outstanding eye centers in Concord, North Carolina also offer a variety of services.  From pediatric vision needs to treatment for even the most elderly patients, comprehensive eye care specialists are able to treat all.  Often, people associate eye centers with check-ups, glasses and contact lenses.  The best eye centers do provide those services and products but they also regularly provide care for glaucoma, retinal problems, cataracts, and a host of other vision problems.  Highly trained and experienced eye doctors are able to perform laser vision correction surgery. 

Cosmetic procedures are also available at the best eye centers.  Surgeries and specific injections or procedures are available to enhance the appearance of the eyes and to make patients look years younger.  Your eyes are the window to your soul – shouldn’t they reflect the youthful energy you feel inside?

Children in Concord, North Carolina deserve the best in eye care as well.  At a comprehensive eye center, all pediatric vision needs can be addressed.   Eye examinations for school are recommended for all children to ensure they have every opportunity to learn in the classroom.  Other common eye maladies of childhood include strabismus (misalignment of the eyes) and amblyopia (lazy eye).  These problems can be treated by the best eye doctors to help restore optimal vision to the child.  Other pediatric vision problems or concerns can be addressed by the best eye doctors through careful examinations and recommendations for treatment.  Your child’s vision is too precious to leave to chance.  Be sure your child has the opportunity to have the best vision possible by having him or her evaluated by a top eye specialist.

Your quality of life is defined by the pleasure you draw from daily living.  Don’t let poor vision or eye problems prevent you from enjoying the best possible life.  Trusted, experienced eye specialists are available in Concord, North Carolina to treat your vision problems.  Seeing more clearly allows you to enjoy the details and subtlety of everyday life that you’ve been missing.  Whether enjoying the art at The Galleries in downtown Concord, North Carolina or simply enjoying the smiles and expressions of the children in your family, improved vision will enhance your quality of life.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cataracts removed in Concord, North Carolina

Cataract eye surgery

Concord, North Carolina citizens are rediscovering the beauty around them after cataract eye surgery.  Cataracts are a common eye problem; but thanks to highly trained and experienced eye doctors in Concord, clear eyesight is being restored to many Cabarrus county residents.  The National Eye Institute, part of the National Institute of Health, reports that cataract removal surgery is one of the most common and safest surgeries performed.  There is no reason to suffer from declining and blurred vision when Concord, North Carolina eye experts can correct the problem with cataract removal surgery.
Cataracts have a way of sneaking up on folks.  Cataracts develop gradually.  Has your vision seem more blurred over time?  Have you assumed that worsening eyesight is just a sign of aging?  Although cataracts may result from aging, there are other factors that can contribute to the development of cataracts.  People who have diabetes are at increased risk for developing cataracts.  Also, people who smoke or drink, or who have spent long periods of time exposed to bright sunlight may develop cataracts.  Eye injuries can result in cataracts even long after the fact.  Concord, North Carolina eye specialists have experience with cataract removal and can restore your vision.
Do things seem off-color to you?  Are colors less vivid?  As cataracts develop, they cause a change in the hues of what you see.   Life around you may appear tinted like an aged photograph with either faded colors or an overall brown or yellow hue.

Cataracts make it more difficult to distinguish between similar dark colors such as dark blue and black.  Cataract eye surgery can correct these problems.  You Concord, North Carolina eye doctor can discuss cataract removal options with you.  Through phacoemulsification, the eye specialist can break up the cataract on the lens.  In other instances, your eye doctor may recommend replacing the lens.  In either case, the procedure is safe and effective.  You’ll be seeing and enjoying the full spectrum of colors again.
Cataracts can lead to subtle changes in your behavior that impact your quality of life.  Many people with cataracts report having difficulty seeing at night and avoid driving after dark for that reason.  If you are rushing home before sunset and skipping evening outings, your life is being impacted.  The solution is simple.  Visit your Concord, North Carolina eye doctor for an evaluation.  If cataracts are causing the problem, corrective surgery can provide you with the freedom you’ve given up to avoid night time outings. 
Concord, North Carolina has the city motto: “High Performance Living”.  Get out and enjoy all our town has to offer.  Don’t let cataracts impair your lifestyle.  Contact your Concord, North Carolina eye specialist right away to discuss the options for treating cataracts and restoring your vision.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Who is the best eye doctor?

Welcome to our blog- Best Eye Doctor!  We want to educate you about various ophthalmology procedures, and also link you to some of the best eye doctors in the country.

Look for great information here, and answers to your common questions.
Want to learn more about cataract eye surgery, LASIK, or cosmetic eye procedures?  You've come to the right place!

Thank you for visiting our blog.